All data collected from this page should be used only for scientific and non-commerical purposes. Upon use of our data, proper attribution should be given to B.U. KOERI-RETMC (Boğaziçi University Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute - Regional Earthquake-Tsunami Monitoring Center) in scientific articles and general purpose reports by referencing the KOERI Catalog citation.





* As of February 2023, the queried events (earthquake, explosion) are preliminary results.
 The search results are going to be saved in a text file with "txt" extension, and the corresponding phase readings will also be saved in a text file with the extension "phs" for downloading.










a. Rectangular search: Using this option, catalog may be search as a rectangular area defined by a Latitude-Longitude couple.
b. Circular search: An option for radius based search.
c. Event type: Type of event for catalog search could be Earhquake [Ke] (since 1900) or Suspected Explosion [Sm] (after 2012) or both Ke and Sm.






a. Rectangular search criterias





* Date range (first line): Begin and End date in YYYY-MM-DD (YEAR-MONTH-DAY) format.
* Latitude-Longitude (second line): Range of coordinates must be defined (in degrees) in following order, [least Latitude - greatest Latitude] and [least Longitude - greatest Longitude].
* Magnitude (M) range: Minimum and maximum magnitude (M) values must be given in third line.
* Depth(d) range: requested minimum and maximum depth values (in kilometers) should be placed in last line.




b. Circular search criterias





* Date, Magnitude and Depth ranges are same as rectangular search criterias.
* Second line contains latitude, longitude and radius (km) values respectively. Given (Latitude, Longitude) point represents the geographical center of the circular area. Radius of the area is limited with 400 km.







a. List of Event





Maximmum number of events to be list is limited with 10000. If search results are more then maximmum number of events only last 10000 events will be list.
Parameters in heading line are explained in following table.

Event ID
Origin Time
MD ML Mw Ms Mb

Event Sequence
Unic ID for event [YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (YearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond)].
Date of event specified in the following format YYYY.MM.DD (Year.Month.Day).
Origin time of event (UTC) specified in the following format HH:MM:SS.MS (Hour:Minute:Second.Millisecond).
in decimal degrees.
in decimal degrees.
Depth of the event in kilometers.
Biggest magnitude value in specified magnitude values (MD, ML, Mw, Ms and Mb).
Magnitude types (MD: Duration, ML: Local, Mw: Moment, Ms: Surface wave, Mb: Body-wave). 0.0 (zero) means no calculation for that type of magnitude.
Earthquake (Ke) or Suspected Explosion (Sm).
Nearest settlement.




b. Map of Events





Map for events extracted from the NEMC catalog is generated using Google Maps API.
The larger circles represent higher magnitude (xM) values. The different colors indicate the different depths.