


Graduate programs leading to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy in Geodesy, Geophysics and Earthquake
Engineering include ;

a) A minimum number of 21 credits of course work to be completed in at most four successive semesters,
b) A dissertation to be completed in at least four at most six semesters following the completion of the course work.

The minimum number of credits of formal course work is made up of elective courses, at the discretion of the particular program in which the student is registered. Since a Ph.D. program is essentially the pursuit of individual interest in a specific professional field, the course work is planned under the guidance of an advisor to fit each student's specific objectives and needs. The 21 credits of course work should normally comprise 600 level courses; however, 400 and 500 level courses without credit, a maximum two 500 level courses with credit, may be included in the program by the approval of the advisor.

The students without an M.Sc. degree from Bogazici University must take at least two 500 or 600 level courses in addition to their regular Ph.D. program.

Upon completion of course work with a grade-point average of at least 3.0, the student is required to pass a qualifying examination. Subsequently, the student can start dissertation work under the supervision of an advisor appointed by the Institute.
The degrees of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred on candidates who have demonstrated general proficiency and high attainment of knowledge and competence in their special field of study, as well as capacity to carry out an independent investigation as evidenced by presentation of an acceptable dissertation embodying the results of original research. The degree requirements are completed on passing an oral examination.




GPH 601-602 Ph.D. Seminar I-II (1+0+0)1

Material collection and presentation of a particular subject of interest

to the student. Improvement of the students’ ability in self-initiated

learning, systematizing collected materials for utilization, not

only for oral presentation but also for information retrieval and responding

to questions.

GPH 630 Magnetotelluric Method (MT) (3+0+0)3

Theoretical basis of magnetotelluric (MT) method. Apparent resistivity

and phase relationships in MT. Field experiments. Data processing and

modeling of MT data.

GPH 631 Advanced Geomagnetism (3+0+0)3

Spherical harmonic analysis. External, crustal and internal geomagnetic

fields, representation of the internal field, secular variation, dipole and

non-dipole fields, westward drift. Introduction to dynamo theory.

GPH 633 Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics (3+0+0)3

Finite element method (FEM) in electromagnetism. Ritz and Galerkin

methods. One, two and three dimensional finite element analyses, boundary

value problems.

GPH 640 Array Seismology (3+0+0)3

The term “Seismic array”, geometrical parameters, beam forming and

detection processing, array transfer function, slowness estimation using

seismic arrays, array design.

GPH 641 Physics of Earthquake Source II (3+0+0)3

Moment tensor representation. Body wave modeling.

Surface wave modeling. Rectangular and circular fault models.

Rupture dynamics. Friction: Byerlee's Law, Coulomb failure, slip-weakening,

rate- and state-dependent friction. Nucleation, propogation and arrest of a

rupture. Crack growth model. Spatio-temporal seismicity patterns.

Characterization of fault zone structures, trapped waves.

GPH 642 Global Seismology (3+0+0)3

Global distribution of seismic sources. Large scale structure of

the Earth. Crustal and upper mantle propagation. Mantle and

core phases. Receiver function. Global tomography. S-wave splitting

and upper mantle anisotropy. Free oscillations of the Earth. Surface

waves on spherical earth. Normal modes. Centroid moment tensor.

GPH 644 Inversion Methods in Geophysics (3+0+0)3

Inverse of matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, singular value

decomposition, linear inverse problems, least squares solution of

the linear inverse problems, solving underdetermined and overdetermined

problems with constraints, generalized inverses, monte carlo methods,

genetic algorithms.

GPH 645 Numerical Methods in Seismology (3+0+0)3

Developing computer algorithms for a variety of seismological problems.

Finite-difference and finite element methods for the solution of wave equation.

Numerical solution of Lamp’s problem. Ray tracing techniques. Solution

of integral equations. Propagator matrices. Time-frequency analysis of seismıc signals.

GPH 647 Wave Propagation II (3+0+0)3

Equation of motion, elastic wave equation, reflection-transmission

coefficients, surface waves, Lamb’s problem, wave propagation in

layered media, numerical solutions of wave equation.

GPH 671 Statistical Methods in Geo-Hazard Assessment (3+0+0)3

Basic concept of probability and random processes in geophysics.

Gaussian distribution. Exponential distribution. Stationarity. Wiener process.

Poisson process. Extreme value statistics Gumbel's distribution. Markov

sequences. Frequency-magnitude relationship. Time dependent hazard

models. Estimation: linear-mean square estimation, Bayes estimation,

maximum likelihood estimation. Methodologies for studying seismic

hazard. Case studies in Eastern Mediterranean region.

GPH 673 Advanced Exploration Geophysics (3+0+0)3

Advanced treatments of recent topics of interest in exploration geophysics,

with emphasis on refraction and reflection prospecting. Principles of

refraction and refraction seismology. Experience in computer processing of

seismic data.

GPH 691-694 Special Topics in Geophysics I-IV (3+0+0)3

Recent developments in geophysics are main contents of this lecture.

Contents of this lecture vary each year.

GPH 790 Ph.D. Thesis

Original research on the theoretical and/or applicational aspects of a

special topic related with the student’s major area of specialization in

geophysics. Preparation and defence of Ph.D. dissertation.

*   Obligatory courses.
** Can not be taken for credits by the Department of Geophysics students.



 GPH642Global Seismology pdf
Prof.Dr. Mustafa Aktar