- Meeting, IAGA Division IV, 26th Electromagnetic Induction Workshop, 7 - 13 Sep. 2024, Beppu, Japan.
- Meeting - JST (J-Rapid) Collaborative Research/Survey Program for Urgent Research on the
2023 Southeastern Türkiye earthquakes, 10 - 11 June, 2024, İstanbul, Türkiye.
-S. Bülent Tank, Yasuo Ogawa, Ryokei Yoshimura, Masaki Matsushima, Selda Altuncu, Tülay
Kaya, Serhun Zoroglu, Preliminary Results achieved with the Numerical Modeling of the Magnetotellurics data collected at epicentral area of the Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes – I, 26 -31 May, 2024, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japonya (Online presentation).
- S.Bülent Tank, Ruken Yazıcı, Esra Doğukan, Tunç Demir, Gözde Taşseten,
Pınar Duran and Tannaz Assar, Imaging the Electrical Resistivity Structure of a Locked Fault Segment: The Ganos Fault example, EGU 2024 General Assembly, 14 - 19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria.
- Ruken Yazıcı, Sabri Bülent Tank, Serkan Üner, and Mustafa Karaş, Electrical Conductors, Beneath Mt. Erciyes Imaged by Three-dimensional Modeling of Magnetotellurics Data, EGU 2024 General Assembly, 14 - 19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria.
- MTNet webinars on EM: EMinars
Invited speaker (EMIW Review):
Faults and fluids, an essential combination for (major)
Season 3, 2022-2023 22 February 2023
- The 25th EM Induction Workshop,
Çeşme, Turkey, 11-17 Sept. 2022
Keynote Reviewer:
Electromagnetic studies in the Eastern Mediterranean Region with
Special Reference to Major Strike-slip Faults
- 74th Geological Congress of Turkey,
MTA, Ankara, 11-15 April 2022
Invited Speaker:
Electrical Structure of Volcanic and Magmatic Systems,
Examples from Cappadocia Volcanic Complex
Session name: Magmatism and Magmatic Processes
-Kyoto University - Long Term Research Visit (20/05 - 20/06/2019)
Kyoto University, DPRI, Lecture: (17/06/2019)
Academic Info
- Research Interests:
I am specialized on a branch of geophysics, namely “geomagnetism” and have been working on varieties of subjects under this topic. These are:
(i) Internal (main) geomagnetic field studies (in particular, westward drift of the non-dipole field),
(ii) External geomagnetic field studies (Magnetic effects of solar eclipses on the ionosphere, Solar and Lunar geomagnetic variations),
(iii) Electromagnetic induction in the crust and upper mantle (These include applications of magnetotelluric method on active/passive faults, volcanoes, geothermal systems and ocean bottom EM studies).
(The relevant papers are listed below)
Ph.D., Geophysics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2004
M.Sc., Geophysics, Boğaziçi University, 1998
B.Sc., Geophysics, İstanbul University, 1995
-Research Projects (after 2005):
- Imaging focal zone of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake by electromagnetic method, JST/TÜBİTAK, J-RAPID Collaborative Research/Survey Program for Urgent Research, 2023 - 2024 Download the Press Release by JST jst_jrapid_project_list.pdf, project #2) (ongoing)
- Electrical properties of Ganos Fault, TÜBİTAK, 2021 - 2024 (ongoing)
- Continental Dynamics/Central Anatolian Tectonics, U.S. National Science Foundation, 2011 - 2019.
- Imaging the shallow crustal structure and rheology of Ganos Fault and its vicinity by audio frequency magnetotellurics, Boğaziçi University, 2015 - 2016.
- Investigating the electrical resistivity structure of the North Anatolian Fault -mid sections- in two- and three-dimensions, Scientific Research Projects, 6005, Boğaziçi University, 2011.
- Electromagnetic imaging of fluids in the seismogenic zone at the western part of North Anatolian Fault Zone, Post-doc. project, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2008 – 2010.
- Anomalous resistivity structure beneath the seismic gap at the western part of North Anatolian Fault and its relation to earthquake generation processes, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2007 – 2010.
- Electric and magnetic studies of seismogenic zones, TUBITAK - NASU, 2006-2008.
- Imaging the resistivity structure near the fault zones, Scientific Research Projects, Boğaziçi University, 08HT201, 2008 – 2009.
- Imaging the crustal structure near Uludağ, Bursa by EM methods, Scientific Research Projects, Boğaziçi University, 06T201, 2006 – 2008.
-Courses Offered:
GPH 530 Electromagnetic Methods in Geophysics
GPH 531 Fields in Geophysics
GPH 532 Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
GPH 630 Magnetotelluric Method (MT)
GPH 631 Advanced Geomagnetism
GPH 633 Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics
-Publications In Peer Reviewed Journals (SCI) and Total Number of Citations:

Total citations: 734 (Google Scholar), 517 (Web of Science)
(as of 06/03/2024)
h index: 12 (Google Scholar), 11 (Web of Science)
20. Tseng, K. H., Ogawa, Y., Tank, S. B., Ujihara, N., Honkura, Y., Terada, A., ... & Kanda, W. (2020). Anatomy of active volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu–Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests. Earth, Planets and Space, 72(1), 1-11 (highlighted article)
13. Kaya T., T. Kasaya, S.B.Tank, Y.Ogawa, M.K. Tunçer, N. Oshiman, Y. Honkura, M. Matsushima, Electrical Characterization of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Marmara Sea, Turkey by Ocean Bottom Electromagnetic Method, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt025, 2013.
12. Karcıoğlu G., S.B.Tank, A.Gürer, E. Tolak-Çiftçi, T. Kaya, M. K. Tunçer, Upper Crustal Electrical Resistivity Structures in the Vicinity of the Çatalca Fault, Istanbul, Turkey by Magnetotelluric Data, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Springer, 57, 2013.
11. Tank S.B., Fault zone conductors in Northwest Turkey inferred from audio frequency magnetotellurics, Earth Planets and Space, 64, 729 - 742, 2012.
10. Çelik C, M.K. Tunçer, E.Tolak-Çiftci, M. Zobu, N.Oshiman, S.B.Tank, Solar and lunar geomagnetic variations in the northwestern part of Turkey, Geophys. J. Int., 189, Issue 1, 391 - 399, 2012.
9. Kaya T., S.B.Tank, M.K. Tunçer, I.I. Rokityansky, E. Tolak, T. Savchenko, Asperity along the North Anatolian Fault imaged by magnetotellurics at Düzce, Turkey, Earth Planets and Space, 61, 871 – 884, 2009.
8. Nurhasan, Y.Ogawa, N.Ujihara, S.B.Tank, Y.Honkura, S.Onizawa, T.Mori, M.Makino, Two electrical conductors beneath Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, imaged by audiomagnetotellurics and their implications for hydrothermal system, volcanic seismicity and deformation, Earth Planets and Space, 58, 1053–1059, 2006.
7. Aizawa, K., R. Yoshimura, N. Oshiman, K. Yamazaki, T. Uto, Y. Ogawa, S.B.Tank, W. Kanda, S. Sakanaka, Y. Furukawa, T. Hashimoto, M. Uyeshima, T. Ogawa, I. Shiozaki, T. Hurst, Hydrothermal System beneath Mt. Fuji volcano inferred from Magnetotellurics and Electric Self-potential, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 235, 343– 355, 2005.
6. Tank S.B., Y. Honkura, Y. Ogawa, M. Matsushima, N. Oshiman, M. K. Tunçer, C. Çelik, E. Tolak, and A. M. Işıkara, Magnetotelluric imaging of the fault rupture area of the 1999 İzmit (Turkey) earthquake, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter, 150, 213–225, 2005
5. Tank S.B., Y. Honkura, Y. Ogawa, N. Oshiman, M. K.Tunçer, M. Matsushima, C. Çelik, E. Tolak, and A. M. Işıkara, Resistivity structure in the western part of the fault rupture zone associated with the 1999 İzmit earthquake and its seismogenic implication, Earth Planets and Space, 55, 437-442, 2003.
4. Matsushima M., Y. Honkura, N. Oshiman, Ş. Barış, M. K. Tunçer, S.B.Tank, C. Çelik, F. Takahashi, M. Nakanishi, R. Yoshimura, R. Pektaş, T. Komut, E. Tolak, A. Ito, Y. Iio, and A. M. Işıkara, Seismo- electromagnetic effect associated with the İzmit earthquake and its aftershock, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., v92, pp. 350-360, 2002.
3. Honkura Y., A. M. Işıkara, N. Oshiman, A. Ito, B. Üçer, Ş. Barış, M.K. Tunçer, M. Matsushima, R.Pektaş, C. Çelik, S.B.Tank, F. Takahashi, M. Nakanishi, R. Yoshimura, Y. Ikeda, and T. Komut, Preliminary results of multidisciplinary observations before, during and after the Kocaeli (İzmit) earthquake in the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Earth Planets and Space, 52, 293 - 298, 2000.
2. Malin S. R. C., O. Özcan, S.B.Tank, M. K. Tunçer and O. Yazıcı - Çakin, Geomagnetic signature of the 1999 August 11 total eclipse, Geophys. J. Int. 140, F13 - F16, 2000.
1. Tank S.B., Rotation of the geomagnetic field about an optimum pole, Geophys. J. Int. 140, 461 –464, 2000.
-Graduate Students:
Ruken Yazıcı (PhD candidate (co) @., B.U. Kandilli Obs. and E.R.I., Dept. of Earthquake Eng. )
Ruken Yazıcı (M.Sc. 2022)
Sinan Özaydın (M.Sc. 2017)
Mustafa Karaş (M.Sc. 2017)
Ekrem Bekin (M.Sc. 2016)
Fatih Uzunca, Sakarya University (M.Sc. (co), 2016)
Özlem Cengiz, (M.Sc., 2012)
Gökhan Karcıoğlu, İstanbul University (M.Sc. (co), 2008)
Tülay Kaya (M.Sc., 2007)
*co: co-supervisor
- Reviewer for:
(SCI journals)
Geophysical Journal International
Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth)
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Surveys in Geophysics
Earth, Planets and Space
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
Earth and Space Science
Pure and Applied Geophysics
Results in Geophysical Sciences
Minerology and Petrology
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
The Journal of Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
(Non-SCI Journals)
Journal of Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences
Hacettepe Yerbilimleri (Editoral Board)