Kandilli Rasathanesi 140. Yılı Kandilli Rasathanesi 140. Yılı
Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü
The first Ocean Bottom Observatory in Turkey is being established in Marmara Sea
A historical project from Turk Telekom and Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute

The most advanced monitoring technology will be set up in Marmara Sea thanks to the joint project of Turk Telekom and and Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute. Earth movements will be observed simultaneously and continuously.

Turk Telekom and Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute will eliminate the seismic station gap in Marmara Sea and in southern part of it, and for the first time sea bottom movements will be observed from the sea bottom itself. With the help of the ‘Seismic Data Transmission Platform –sDTP’ Project, the determination of the earthquake magnitude and epicenter is expected to be more accurate, and with simultaneous data monitoring, establishment of a data bank and providing the public with more accurate and fast information is aimed.

Currently, Kandilli Observatory’s broadband station network includes 25 monitoring stations which provides a better coverage for the northern parts of Marmara Sea. With the deployment of 10 new broadband seismic stations and 5 ocean bottom observatories by Turkish Telekom, the bottom of the Marmara Sea and its southern parts will be monitored completely and continuously.

The bottom of the Marmara Sea will be monitored simultaneously with the most advanced technology in the World.

5 ocean bottom observatories to be deployed have the most advanced monitoring technology. The data, which will be collected from the ocean bottom observatories buried at 1000m depth, will be transmitted through special fiber cables without any delay and monitored continuously.

The Marmara Sea, being an inland sea, is very suitable for the realization of this project and will be ready to be monitored and investigated by the world scientists after the end of the project. Together with earthquakes, ocean bottom temperature, pressure and currents will be measured. Besides, the capacity will be reached to make a tsunami warning after a possible Marmara earthquake.

Thanks to the ‘Seismic Data Transmission Platform –sDTP’ project, which is being realized by Turkish scientists with the expertise of Turkish companies and equipment, a National Data Bank will be established and the collected data will be used by relevant parties in our country.

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Kandilli Rasathanesi 140. Yılı
B.Ü. Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü
Phone : 0 216 516 32 71